crop woman with heart on palms

Natural Solution for Women’s Health

Are you sick of being sick and tired?

Do you feel like your hormones are out of wack causing painful periods, acne, and an emotional roller coaster every month?

Struggling with stubborn weight or little to no energy?

Totum Health specializes in Natural Healthcare for Women by Women

Dr. Kelley understands what it is like to be brushed off from doctors who don’t listen and offer no solutions to health concerns.

That is why she offers a solution:

The 3 step protocol of Women’s Health

1. Listen

First part of healing is being able to be heard with your concerns. No matter how small or insignificant you believe them to be. Dr. Kelley prides herself in the time she takes to allow the patient to be heard.

2. Investigate

Dr. Kelley should have been a detective in another life because this is her favorite part. Investigation is able to be performed through history of the patient, testing and process of elimination.

3. Develop a comprehensive treatment plan

Every Comprehensive treatment addresses key determinants to health including but not limited to: Nourishment, Sleep Efficiency, Physical and Emotional Traumas, Genetics, and Breath Patterns.

There is no reason you need to suffer needlessly while there options for you to take back your health.