body of water during golden hour

About Hydrotherapy

What is it?

Hydrotherapy is a theraputic technique using the application of water at different temperatures to the body. The goal is to normalize the quality of blood circulation, detoxification, and organ vitality in the treatment of disease and maintenance of health.

Different treatment therapies can be conducted in the comfort of your home or in office. Methods include sitz baths, douchess, spa and hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, showers, immersion baths, peat packs, poultices, foot baths, fomentations, wraps, colonics, enemas, with or without the use of herbal and chemical preparations. Constitutional Hydrotherapy being one conducted within the office and is explained in greater detail below.

Common conditions which could benefit:

  • Musculoskeletal Pain/ tension
  • Indigestion
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Arthritis

Check out this article showing the science based benefits!

Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Constitutional hydrotherapy is a traditional naturopathic modality, involving the application of hot and cold water to the body. The premise is to generate a healing response by normalizing blood flow, regulating the nervous system, supporting elimination pathways, and stimulation the immune system. It is used in conditions such as digestive complaints, autoimmune conditions, chronic pain, heart disease, mood disorders: anxiety & depression.

It is a 1 hour procedure performed in office. There is a rotation of hot and cold towels placed on the torso at certain increments. There also is a time period for electrical stimulation placed on the back and stomach for enhanced effects for certain conditions.

Curious to see if hydrotherapy would be beneficial for you?

Book a 20 minute FREE consult today!