Homeopathy Sugar pills shown in bottles

About Homeopathy

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a medical system based on principles the body can be stimulated to heal itself when given a like natural substances.

It was develop in Germany in the 1700s where Samuel Hahnemann showed two fundamental principles of homeopathy; ”like cures like” and ”the law of minimal dose.”

What does that mean?

  1. Like-cures-like means if a disease state shows certain symptoms and you give a remedy that shows those same symptoms in a healthy person, would create a state of health.
  2. Law of minimal dose means the smaller the dose of a remedy the more powerful it is able to be. Most dosages if studied are unable to be detectable to our current scientific machinery.

Remedies are developed from plants, minerals, poisons, toxins, and animals. It comes in forms such as pellets, gels, and creams. Substances are diluted to untraceable amounts, the higher a dilution the more potent a response.

At Totum Health we often recommend different homeopathic remedies based on a persons constitutional personality or acute situations depending on treatment plan.

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