top view of valley near body of water

About Naturopathic & Functional Medicine 

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine is a form of health care that combines the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern sciences. This form of medicine encourages patients to listen to their body. Then utilize this information to address root causes not just mask symptoms. This includes looking at not only the biology of a person but also social, emotional, environmental factors of a persons wellbeing.

In order to accomplish true healing, Naturopathic Medicine uses an array of modalities to stimulate the bodys innate ability to heal. For example dietary and nutritional counseling, natural supplementation, botanical therapies, hydrotherapies, homeopathy, breath-work & naturopathic counseling.

Naturopathic Medicine is a gentle yet powerful form of medicine. This allows an empowerment to the patient to take control over their health. not surrender it.

The 6 principles of Naturopathic Medicine

  • The healing power of nature: trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself 
  • Prevention: focus on overall health, wellness, and disease prevention
  • Identify and treat the causes: look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause
  • First do no harm: utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies when possible 
  • Doctor as Teacher: Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health
  • Treat the whole person: view the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions. 

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine is a systems biology-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Similarly, Functional Medicine evaluates the many causes of a diagnosis by gathering a comprehensive history, identifying triggers, and lifestyle factors effecting current conditions. Then prioritizes, initiates, and tracks different approaches to assist patients reaching their health and healing goals through nutritional counseling, natural supplementation, and botanical therapies.

Whats the Difference between Naturopathic and Functional Medicine?

Now you may be asking yourself “why differentiate between naturopathic and functional medicine, they seem very much the same?” Well they are very similar and at Totum Health we use these terms interchangeability most of the time. However, in real life there are certain terms, stigmas, and education are around different titles along with regulation bodies. We want our patients to know they have a practitioner who is trained in both fields of medicine and is able to best fit your needs. Dr. Julia Kelley prides herself in the ability to meet patients needs and flow between each practice.

For further information on either topic please click on the headings above to be directed to their respective sites.

Want to know more or find out if this medicine is for you?

Take the next step, contact us!

Dr. Kelley offers a 20 minute free consult to all new patients for a better understanding how these practices can serve you.

Virtual or in person appointments available