Doctor of Chiropractic and Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Julia Kelley is a committed practitioner who believes in evidence-based scientific treatment of the whole person. She places a strong emphasis of patient education and encourages patients to take control of their health. Dr. Kelley’s goals are to heal suffering by finding the root cause of symptoms and addressing the deficiencies through lifestyle alterations.

Dr. Kelley found her calling to alternative medicine through her own health struggles during and after leaving the United States Marine Corps. Dr. Kelley struggled not only with physical ailments of back and joint pain but also internal issues from gastrointestinal discomfort to fatigue, brain fog, and depression. Feeling unheard by conventional medicine doctors, she embarked on her own journey to heal her body.

The foundation of Dr. Kelley’s studies started with a BS in Foods and Nutrition emphasis in Dietetics from San Diego State University. After analysis of her diet and the knowledge of her undergraduate work the healing started to take place. It was not until she found Naturopathic and Functional Medicine had her world really changed. The principles of whole person treatment and not just symptoms really hit home. She earned her post-graduate education at National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, IL in which she graduated with two doctoral degrees: Naturopathic and Chiropractic medicine. Each degree offering her the ability to treat patients with an array of modalities since everyone is unique and causes to ailments are so different.

Dr. Kelley has now made it her mission to share all the knowledge she has gathered through years of course work and empower patients as she had been.

Dr. Kelley is also a mother of two wonderful children and wife to Dr. Anthony Kelley, D.C. cert. MDT. In her free time she spends as much time as possible with family and friends but also follows other passions such as gardening and teaching yoga.

“Healing is a journey, one in which you have already started. I am here to help you analyze and overcome the obstacles so you don’t just live but thrive.”
-Dr. J